Zebra USB Printers
Endicia for Mac works great out of the box with a any standard Mac-compatible printer, but it really shines when used with a Zebra high-speed USB thermal printer that supports either the ZPL or EPL printer languages, such as the popular Zebra 2844 and GX420d Printers.
These printers require no ink and can print as fast as 4 inches per seconds, that's a shipping label in less than two seconds. They are optimized for high quality barcode printing and have a small footprint for desktop use.
These USB printers work out-of-the-box with Endicia for Mac's own built-in driver, but we recommend you set up the printer using the System Preferences.
Printers connected to other computers via USB and shared over the network are supported, however non USB-Zebra printers are not supported.